Sep 1, 2011


On August 22 MSU President Dr. Supachai Samappito was honoured to receive a Golden Bell at the 4th Annual Golden Bell awards ceremony held in Phayathai, Bangkok on the third floor of the Public Relations Division of Thailand. The awards are presented to government officials and/or organisations and presented by the President of the Privy Council as the King’s Person of the Year Awards in honour of H.M. King Bhumibol.

Golden Bell Awards are organised by the National General Assembly of Thai television, news and newspapers. The awards recognise the impact and influence modern media can have on society and are given to those who have shown professional ethics and responsibility to the members of their society receiving the messages broadcast by the media. They acknowledge the speed with which modern news can be broadcast and as stakeholders in these fields have created policies, productions or overseen various media for the educational and social benefit of their audience. The awards cover such fields as education, entertainment, sports, the environment and politics.

Mahasarakham University has both a radio and television station which are very active in broadcasting in Maha Sarakham Province as well as reaching provinces outside Mahasarakham. MSU radio and television stations provide a mix of entertainment not necessarily confined to purely educational matters. Dr. Supachai, as MSU President, takes a keen interest in the development and direction of MSU’s broadcasting networks. Dr. Supachai’s Golden Bell was awarded in the field of a government officer who has contributed greatly to the benefit of society as whole.

This year one hundred and sixty-four Golden Bells were awarded over fifteen categories.
More pictures of the awards ceremony can be found on the MSU Hall of Fame web page and also in the Mahasarakham University Fan Page (Thai) photo album.

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