MSU President Dr. Supachai Samappito, Maha Sarakham Secretary of Provincial Administration Mr. Praya Sripha, MSU Director of Computing Mr. Phisit Supansri and Director of Thakonyang Pittayakhom High School attended the signing of the agreement on March 14.
The purpose of the agreement is for the benefit of junior and senior high school students extending to the benefit of the wider community. Co-operative projects such as this do more than simply provide benefit to school students.
This project brings utilises the combination of resources and knowledge from local government administration, Mahasarakham University and Thakonyang Pittayakhom School using a strategic planning and community development approach. The project includes input from those for whom the project is designed to benefit. i.e. the students and general community.
Besides providing the students with knowledge through a computing summer school, the project also includes teaching students everyday life skills and to encourage and support community-centred learning. One example is the setting up of a chicken farm at Thakonyang Pittayakhom School with produce being used to provide school lunches and excess sold at the local market. The program aims towards providing continual life skills integrating IT training to students for the strengthening and sustainability of community heritage and traditions utilising networked resources of government, education and private agencies. .... more pics
Thanks for the information, this is interesting stuff.