On December 22 HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn presided over the graduation ceremony for over eight thousand students who graduated from Mahasarakham University in the year 2010.Thailand may be unique in that every student attaining a degree at a University in Thailand is presented with their degree at a formal graduation ceremony by a member of the Royal Family.
Representing Thailand’s beloved King Rama IX, His Royal Highness Bhumibol Adulyadej, Princess Siridnhorn is the very popular Royal Patron of Mahasarakham University.
Graduation Day at Mahasarakham University is one of great import with graduation certificates personally handed to each student by the Princess in afternoon and morning sessions. The sight of the gymnasium filled to capacity in a sea of robed students and academics is truly a wonderful sight to behold. Those in attendance at the graduation ceremony cannot help but to be moved by the pride showing on each students face as they receive their degrees.
Princess Sirindhorn was also introduced to some of the seventy Cambodian students who attend MSU under the Princess Sirindhorn Scholarship Project. The goodwill project provides these young Cambodian people with the opportunity to come to MSU to study for their degree. ... more pics